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Всего материалов в каталоге: 294
Показано материалов: 31-40
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 The Commonwealth of Australia is a self-governing federal state. It has got six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queens­land, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and two internal territories.It is situated in the south-west of the Pacific Ocean.
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 3970 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 01.12.2012

 at first blush - с первого взгляда, поначалу

at sea - растерянность, ступор,конфуз

at sixes and sevens - куча-мала,кто в лес кто-по дрова, беспорядок

at the tip of the tongue - на кончике языка, почти сказанно

А знали ли вы,что ...? | Просмотров: 425 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 01.12.2012

• the day before yesterday — позавчера

• yesterday morning — вчера утром


А знали ли вы,что ...? | Просмотров: 494 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 01.12.2012

  Can you visit the place where ghosts lurk at every corner, and strange sounds as noises are heard at night? Yes, that is, as people say, is in the Castle Chilinghem in Northumberland, England, which dates back to medieval.
The most famous ghost - a ghost, Lady Mary Berkeley, wife of Lord Grey Chilinghem.
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 1431 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

  We've all heard the famous ancient stories of mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns and the Giants, but to this day, people all over the world continue to talk about the various mysterious monsters!
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 1627 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

  No one knows how many millions of species exist on Earth, but one thing is certain, that the plants and animals living around us! Some of them live in the forests, rivers, ponds and fields and in our neighborhoods. Others live on our school playground, in the garden or even in tiny spaces between the grains!
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 978 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

  Downing Street, Building 10, or "Number 10", as it is called in Britain - one of the most famous addresses in the world, as it was the home of the British prime minister since 1730. In addition, it is also a very busy place, where hundreds of people work and where man  official events. It hosts the meeting of government and state dinners.
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 3904 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

  Would you like to live in a three hundred and sixty miles above the Earth, flying at a speed of about 30,000 miles per hour through the gloomy airless space? Yes, that is where the astronauts live, working on the giant International Space Station (ISS). "Cool!" - You might say. Well ... can be. Let's look at what it means to actually live in space.
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 1919 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

  Every year, a week before the November 11, people across the UK are small red paper poppies. They do this to mark Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day, which is held every year in November in order to remember the millions of people who died for their country. Poppy Day was held on that date, because of the First World War ended in 11 hours, 11-day, 11 months of 1918.
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 1877 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012

If you’re in
the tiny Spanish town of Buñol in Valencia, Spain during the last week of August, make sure you take a spare change of clothes because things get very, very messy! "La Tomatina" is a huge food fight that has been a strong tradition in Buñol since around 1945. No one really knows how it began, but everybody knows how it ends!
Тексты на английском языке | Просмотров: 3936 | Добавил: Роза | Дата: 30.11.2012