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Theatre is a inseparable part of intellectual life of any country. We can say that the Theatre as an art reflects the state sociality and of the minds of the nation. In each country theatre has its own history, traditions and peculiarities. There are a lot of theatre in Russia and some of them are popular all over the world. In S-Petersburg theatre-goers try not to miss the first night at Mareinsky Opera House and Alelsandrisky Theatre. Many theatres are famous for excellent company for setting designs for great directors. 

I'm not a regular theatre-goer, but some times I like to go and see an interesting performance. One of my favorite theatre is TUZ.

It is so not only because of its wonderful company, but Iike the interior as well. Of all the seats I prefer to seat in the pit, or in the dress circle. The house is always full. 

Категория: Тексты на английском языке | Добавил: Роза (22.11.2012)
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