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Стихи к праздникам
 July - The Fourth of July

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle came to town,
A-ridin' on a pony;
He stuck a feather in his hat
And called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle Dandy;
Mind the music and the steps
And with the girls be handy.
Father and I went down to camp,
Along with Cap'n Goodwin;
The men and boys all stood around
As thick as hasty puddin'.
Yankee Doodle keep it up,
Yankee Doodle Dandy;
Mind the music and the steps

And with the girls be handy.

September - Back to School


In autumn when the trees are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
But lie so quietly on the ground
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky.

October - Halloween

Five little pumpkins

Five little pumpkins
Sitting on a gate
The first one said,
"My it's getting late!"
The second one said,
"There are witches in the air!"
The third one said,
"Good folk, beware!"
The fourth one said,
"We'll run and run!"
The fifth one said,
"Let's have some fun!"
"WOOOOOOOH", went the wind,
And OUT went the light;
And the five little pumpkins
Rolled out of sight!

by Jack Prelutsky

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
Give us candy, give us cake,
Give us something sweet to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick
Or we'll surely play a trick.
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Give us something good to eat.
It's Halloween

by Jack Prelutsky

It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks and gouns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it's Halloween!

November - Thanksgiving

Turkey in the Straw

Oh I was a'goin'
down a dusty road,
With a team of horses
and a great big load;
It was oh such a warm
and lazy afternoon,
So I cracked my whip
and started sing-in' a tune.

Dancin' tonight, dancin' tonight,
Dancin' to-night, dancin' tonight,
Happiest people you ever saw
Will be dancin' together
To the Turkey in the Straw!

December - Christmas

Christmas is coming

Christmas is coming.
Christmas is coming.

Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat,
Please put a penny
In the old man's hat.
If you haven't got a penny,
A ha'penny will do.
If you haven't got a ha'penny,
Then God bless you.
Christmas is coming.
Christmas is coming.
It's Christmas!

It's Christmas! Merry Christmas!
Yes, it's merry, merry Christmas,
it's time for hanging stockings,
It's time for riding sleighs,
It's time for jolly greeting,
Snow and holly, overeating,
Oh, I love you merry Christmas,
You're the best of holidays
Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner,
Sat in a corner,
Eating a Christmas pie,
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said What a good boy am I.

The Birthday

My Birthday

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Carmen!
Happy Birthday to you!

Ogden Nash

My birthdays take so long to start,
They come along a year apart.
It's worse than waiting for a bus;
I fear I used to fret and fuss,
But now, when by impatience vexed,
Between one birthday and the next,
I think of all that I have seen
That keeps on happening in between.
The songs I've heard, the things I've done,
Make my un-birthdays not so un-.

Ogden Nash

Everything's been different
All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn't it delicious
To be a birthday child?

Категория: Стихи на английском языке | Добавил: Роза (25.11.2012)
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